Storage Rentals in Russellville, AL | Storage City

Storage for your RV, Boat, Vehicles And More!

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Storage City has a state-of-the-art facility with the best customer service around in Russellville, AL! When you rent from us, you'll have 24-hour access to your belongings. Give us a call or book online today!

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Renting Storage Units Made Easy

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We offer a wide variety of storage unit types and sizes to meet any requirements you might need. We take pride in making sure our storage units are clean, secure & most of all, affordable. Feel free to call us anytime for your unit or simply rent your storage unit below!

Climate Controlled Inside-Section C (10 x 10)

Enter door #1
Approximately the size of half of a one car garage.
Unit can accommodate: a small family room or the contents of two small bedrooms and several boxes.

$75 / month

Climate controlled-Section D (10 x 10 x 9)

Enter door #1

$75 / month

Climate controlled (Discounted-pole in unit) (10 x 10 x 9)

Section D—ENTER DOOR #1

$65 / month

Climate Controlled Inside-Section C (10 x 12)

Enter door #1
Slightly larger than the size of half of a one car garage.
Unit can accommodate: a small family room or the contents of two small bedrooms and several boxes.

$89 / month

Climate controlled-Section D (10 x 14 x 9)

Enter door #1….go straight to the end of the hall. Units are located on the left.

$110 / month

Non-Climate **INDOOR**(Not drive up) (5 x 10)

Keypad access-Enter door #2

$35 / month

Non-Climate ***INDOOR*** NOT DRIVE UP (5 x 5)

Keypad access only

$35 / month

Non-Climate INDOOR 5x5 Discounted Unit (5 x 5)

These units are discounted because of a 6" pole inside.

$25 / month

Non-Climate **INDOOR**(Not drive up) (5 x 15)

Keypad entrance-Enter door #2

$35 / month

Non Climate, Drive up (POR) (10 x 10 x 8)

Located inside fence-first drive to right-units are on right.

$57 / month

Non-Climate **DRIVE UP * OUTSIDE** (10 x 10)


$57 / month

Non-Climate **INDOOR** (not drive up) (10 x 10)

Non climate units located INSIDE with keypad entry
Approximately the size of half of a one car garage.
Unit can accommodate: a small family room or the contents of two small bedrooms and several boxes.

$49 / month

Non-Climate **INDOOR** DOOR #3 INSIDE THE GATE (10 x 10 x 9)

enter gate and enter door #3 (blue entry door)

$49 / month

Non-climate **INDOOR**NOT DRIVE UP (10 x 15 x 8)

Enter Door #2-Indoor unit with Keypad Access.

$75 / month

Non-Climate **INDOOR** Door #3 Inside gate (10 x 20)

Inside gate, enter door #3

$99 / month

Non-Climate ***INDOOR** Not drive up (10 x 21)

Non-climate unit located INSIDE with key pad entry. ENTER THROUGH WALK THROUGH DOOR #2

$99 / month

Non-Climate **INDOOR** Door #3 Inside gate (12 x 32)

Inside gate, door #3.
***CALL 256-332-2200 FOR GATE CODE***

$185 / month

PARKING-Uncovered inside fence (12 x 30)

Please contact us for unit availability.

$35 / month